Emerson Recognized as Category Finalist by 2020 AHR Innovation Awards
Copeland™ Indoor Modular Solution
Copeland™ Indoor Modular Solution
The Daniel 3418 Eight-Path Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter offers OIML R-137 Accuracy Class 0.5 with only five diameters of straight run and no flow conditioner
Global technology and engineering leader recognized by IoT Breakthrough for digital transformation strategies ST. LOUIS (Jan. 3, 2020) – Emerson (NYSE: EMR), a global automation technology and engineering company, has been named the “Industrial IoT Company of the Year” by IoT Breakthrough for an unprecedented third consecutive year. The honor recognizes Emerson’s commitment to helping customers in industries such as chemical, life sciences, power, and oil and gas define and execute a practical and successful path to digital transformation. Emerson recently introduced a new, dedicated digital transformation business that combines Emerson’s leading sensing technology, operational analytics and broad services
The Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter, used at wellheads throughout North America, can be remotely monitored by Emerson’s experts to ensure optimal performance.
The Daniel 3418 Eight-Path Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter offers OIML R-137 Accuracy Class 0.5 with only five diameters of straight run and no flow conditioner
Acquisition adds profitable products and strengthens Emerson’s final control portfolio ST. LOUIS–(Sept. 3)– Emerson (NYSE: EMR), a global engineering and technology company, today announced it has acquired the Spence and Nicholson product lines from Circor International (NYSE: CIR). The acquisition complements Emerson’s broad portfolio of steam system solutions for process industries and commercial buildings. The Spence and Nicholson lines are established industry-leading products that include steam regulators, control valves, safety relief valves, temperature regulators, steam traps and other steam accessories and solutions. “This addition to our Final Control business demonstrates the continued value of bolt-on acquisitions that fill strategic gaps
Emerson’s Rosemount 5300 Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter enables users to optimize separation processes by accurately measuring a thinner top liquid layer in interface applications.
Improve flow measurement performance and save on the cost of installation with the Micro Motion 4200 2-wire Coriolis transmitter.
The new Rosemount manifold product family offers simplified operation, increased safety and enhanced reliability
Emerson’s expanded portfolio includes PLCs as well as its new outcome-optimizing controllers like the RX3i CPE 400
New notification escalation paths within DeltaV Mobile allow users to claim ownership of process notifications, helping users avoid being notified of alarms that are already being investigated.
Emerson Perspectives on COVID-19
Sunday To Thursday
9:00 AM to 6:30 PM
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